Welcome to the first of a regular column from Haley’s Crazy Aunt Sue! Well, let me begin by saying how excited I am about the imminent arrival of my brand new niece! Words cannot express how excited I am (for myself, and of course) for Barb and Andy (aka Arb and Bandy). I expect all of those who read this column will be familiar with “Crazy Aunt Sue”, a title bestowed on me by the soon to be parents – I happily accept my role! Of course, these inexperienced parents likely should NOT have given me the password to this site – I am very difficult to silence. Ah well, I’m sure there are many things they will learn!
Alle wissen wie viel Ich mochte zu reden – (in alle sprachen). Alle auch wissen das es macht mir nichts aus das ich kann nicht sehr gut schreiben oder das Ich nicht das richte grammatisch habe! Ihr muss leider alles lesen!
Isn’t she a cutie?!? As the technology advisor to the “event” I can assure everyone that all measures will be taken to ensure that pictures will be uploaded to this blog during the 12 days in China. Be sure to visit the blog during the great pilgrimage. There will be MANY more pictures, and I personally, cannot wait.
Well, FYI we are having a baby shower on Nov 6th (sorry Jen, life’s too busy for surprises). Anyone interested in the details, feel free to contact me. If you don’t how to reach me just contact my Mom. Ahh, which brings me to my last point, for those internet newbies (read: my side of the family); this is of course a public internet website – which means that any “internet crazies” can read it. So whatever you may wish to communicate on this site should be devoid of personal details (no last names or geographical references). If there is any confusion on this matter please contact either myself or Arb and Bandy directly – we can explain.
Love to All – Crazy Aunt Sue! 10/25/05