So what is changing the most about Haley? She is still an absolute sweetheart. Most of the time she is just imitating something about either Andy or myself. If I find myself getting angry...I just watch a little closer and wow...you can see it....sometimes it is not obvious given the circumstances....but she is just doing what we do....yikes and double yikes. She is soooooo much our daughter! She loves waving, slides, swings, sand, dirt, rocks and her all time favorite....water. According to her Oma..."it is wonderful that they all love water so much...can you imagine if they did not!" She seems so happy these days..except for the odd disagreement about leaving the park to go home...she is just pure joy. It is truly what makes you love them so much....Their happiness is just pure happiness. Her personality....stubborn (or determined according to her father...smile), fearless, bold, watches everything, loves animals, always moving..never still and she is a chatterbox these days....nothing we could translate....just babbling. We can hardly wait to see what comes out!