Monday, February 26, 2007

Our New Year 2007

Snow and Water and a new hat from Oma

We've luckily had some warmer weather lately and we are enjoying ourselves. The driveway has puddles (maybe not so good for the driveway) but fantastic for us. We can mix snow with water, jump in puddles, sweep puddles, shovel puddles. We basically just love water. Don't be confused we still have lots and lots of snow, but Haley and I love to play outside.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Go Leafs Go

Daddy does not think she dresses appropriately....most of the time...humph

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

This stuff is really squishy

So as I was cleaning the table, I was marvelling about how clean Haley was getting at the dinner table. By the time I had turned around and made it back to the table......tada. This is vegetable cream cheese and Haley loves the way it squishes. I could barely get her to look up she was so busy mushing. So we has a bath mid-day.

Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!

After all is said and done

.....these two are inseperable

I can dress myself mommy

Monday, February 05, 2007

Lilly's Birthday

Lilly turned Two. All the girls are turning two. They are not babies any more. We have Wei
Ling's birthday next week, Haley at the beginning of March and Kendra in the middle of March. So much little time.

Haley is currently very much a "daddy's girl". Haley's big phrase..."Daddy do it"....he he he the fun part is that she prefers Daddy to change her diaper as well.....he he he