So you know they are going to grow. But this quickly? Look at the hair. She used to stand on her change table and try to grasp the curtains...which she couldn't....and now she can grab them in a fist! I think I missed 2 inches! Perhaps I exaggerate, but....she is also getting thinner. Sad days. She was so cute all roly poly. She loves to walk. For those that know our house, she walked from the stairs all the way to the rug....about 20 Haley paces before she went out of control. And when I say out of control..we all know this is seconds before tears...because.... she has almost, slightly or really bonked her head. Sigh. Anyways her mother thinks she is getting cuter by the day and still refuses to print any crying pictures...
Okay and this is for my mom....yes this morning at 3 am. I woke up to find Haley standing in her crib, looking at me and holding out her hand....she was ready to play. We had some tears as I explained sleepy time, night time.... but she got us back...she wouldn't take a nap the next day until she almost passed out in her lunch.