Well yesterday ended with another outfit change and then I just had to do laundry. Well, I think I am going to have to double check those diapers. I think they leak!
he he he he.
We go out every day...sometimes we nap, sometimes we don't and sometimes we cry! It took me months of research to determine which stroller to buy. This is my choice. I must add that I think it is the very best stroller for us, and I still think so. It has big wheels for snow...tested and works...a compartment for groceries and it is accessorized with a sleeping blanket and a storm cover. The front wheel locks or pivots..for small corners in the grocery store! This is travelling. I can't believe we actually cry in this travel system! Now there are more expensive stollers available...and well poor Andy at one time thought we might actually be buying one. Well and if we ever move to Paris...I will definitely buy the new Stokke stroller...and well the ever famous Bugaboo...wheels are too small for snow...better for LA. Jogging strollers...yeah right....and stollers for behind the bike....have you seen the tourists drive around here in the summer? that would be a death sentence. So there you go...my two cents on strollers and I love my Phil and Ted's E3 stroller with accessories! As for diaper bags...yuch. I'm sticking to my knapsack. Boy have I got opinions on motherhood these days...yikes ask me in a few years when we go shopping for a mini van...right now I shiver at the thought. he he he
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