Yes, we love drawers, cupboards....anything that looks like it might contain cool stuff. We are contantly rearranging the CD collection and the cupboards; that I let her go in. It is hard not to let her. I figure either the novelty will wear off or she will find it even more fascinating once I give her a wet rag and ask her to clean them out. he he he. Yesterday she was actually down on her knees, in what I think is an imitation of me, cleaning the floor. Dreams do come true! She is walking. She is pretty stable as well. She is actually at the point where walking is good but if she really wants to get there in a hurry... crawling may be the ticket! Birthday number one is coming up and we walk and have eight teeth. I think she is growing up too quickly. She has a full blown giggle when she is happy and nothing is more fun than to make her giggle. It usally involves a little tossing in the air and rolling around on the floor with her. What fun
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