Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Born in Our Hearts

Today is the day we officially signed Haley's Adoption papers.....An important day technically but she was part of our family so long ago already, even in terms of being physically with us. By now we could not imagine life without her. and it had only been one day. We woke up this morning one year ago to Haley's smile and a "bah".

Oh Birthday Daddy! It is also a special day for another reason. I don't think I can top last year's gift! It is the gift that keeps on giving!

(This new blogger has so many options...I keep pressing buttons to see what will happen, sorry about my blogging technique....I was going to hang on to the old version just for comfort sake but really it is fun to move along with the times....besides I would be out of the blogging loop....there are still more buttons.....maybe I will post before I mess around some more)

I'm having fun blogging...on this sunny but cold day. A very special day for my family.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Today is the day

Happy Forever Family Day! It is hard not to feel sentimental on this day...okay for me...maybe the whole month. My daughter has changed my life in the most beautiful and best way ever. I just have the best family and I love them so much. It really is difficult not to get too mushy about them.

Blogger Challenged

So blogging is not really that difficult...time consuming....but not difficult. Being a fancy that takes some effort....I continue to learn....I think my font is going to change? Is this good or bad....I have no idea what all these new buttons are for....let's just keep trying....Bear with me everyone....

Monday, November 27, 2006

Haley, Wei Ling and Megan 1 year earlier.

Trying to post some more...blogger is not cooperating...

So it really depends on your time zone

So my last post was 20 days ago? Hmmmmm Time is flying. Yes it truly is -26...and has been for the past few days...and will continue for a few more....sigh....better by the weekend. Who can think that far in is freezing cold...and yes...we do wonder why anyone lives here...really... we question ourselves at times like this. It does seem insane....I think it is warmer in Yellowknife...we could move north and be warmer...True Albertans are tough...they have to be...but the purpose of this post....One year ago.......

One year ago today, we were definitely in China. Were we about to see Haley for the first time? Did we have her in our arms already? Does it really matter? These were life altering days, so exciting, so beautiful and so completely overwhelming. She was meant to grow up with us but we had no idea how to change her diaper...Ahhhh we have come a long way. I could do it now with my eyes shut. We didn't sleep, we were so excited, we were far away in a country that was about to let us adopt one of their own and raise her as ours. Quite a gift. Thank you to Wei Ping's mother and father for their precious gift, we love her completely. She is beautiful. She has an incredible smile, a gentleness of spirit, a mind of her own and a family that truly loves her.

We celebrated our "together day" with our friends. We had a play date at the Southland leisure centre and then went out to dinner. Can you really make these girls sit together for a picture? We tried. Wei Ling, Emily, Megan, Haley, Kendra and Lily...It is the gang. A few highlights..Wei Ling has finally refused a meal...he he he.... we all knew it was coming. Megan has a scratch from older sister Emily. This was also coming. Haley can not sit still....too busy, Kendra lets her mother put bows in her one knows how... and Lily has an older sister that we are all a little jealous of. Sarah makes such a perfect babysitter.

The first of many more to come......Happy Forever Family Day!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Our Day at the Zoo

I don't really like the zoo. I love animals and think they should be where they belong. Hence, I don't think a giraffe belongs in North America. But, when your child loves to the zoo. Now Haley didn't really find it all that much fun either. However, I think her frustration and eventual boredom was the result of not being able to throw her arms around any of them. She wanted to kiss and hug every animal she saw. She was not even allowed to touch the turtles that were just walking about...too much for her....she fell in love with the ice cream guy wearing the very least she could touch his feet and his shoes!

Saturday, November 04, 2006

New Friends

We are still into giving people rides. Makes for some good friends. This is Haley and Meredith.


Okay, so what happened to Halloween? Well for starters, Haley has a terrible cold. Secondly, it was -17? Thirdly Haley is terribly unimpressed with her Tiger outfit. It was one of those great full body, warm as can be costumes...but no way did she want to be in that outfit...and certainly not with a snowsuit on already. She spends most of her time trying to undress and this includes when she is outdoors...and sooooo we stayed in. She wasn't that impressed with the other kids coming over and making moves on her "smarties" either. She knew where they were and kept a close eye on the box and well the other candy bars...she doesn't recognize anyways. That smartie company....they really should never change....add new colours......if they must....but certainly not on Haley's account. The box is great...she can spot that box from a mile away. And well "love" is not really an adequate word for how she feels about them. So for Halloween dinner we had smarties and her other favorite broccoli. Don't ask. We also frequently have peas for breakfast along with hard boiled eggs...but only the yellow. She even turned down waffles this morning...for peas? Who can figure this out?

So she still has a runny nose...I will try to get a picture of the "Tiger" this weekend...but I am pretty sure it will look like a torture scene. As you can see from the picture we also have snow....and we are pulling out our Christmas decorations this week-end....Haley really likes stars! So out with Halloween and stupid costumes and in with the stars!