So my last post was 20 days ago? Hmmmmm Time is flying. Yes it truly is -26...and has been for the past few days...and will continue for a few more....sigh....better by the weekend. Who can think that far in advance..it is freezing cold...and yes...we do wonder why anyone lives here...really... we question ourselves at times like this. It does seem insane....I think it is warmer in Yellowknife...we could move north and be warmer...True Albertans are tough...they have to be...but the purpose of this post....One year ago.......
One year ago today, we were definitely in China. Were we about to see Haley for the first time? Did we have her in our arms already? Does it really matter? These were life altering days, so exciting, so beautiful and so completely overwhelming. She was meant to grow up with us but we had no idea how to change her diaper...Ahhhh we have come a long way. I could do it now with my eyes shut. We didn't sleep, we were so excited, we were far away in a country that was about to let us adopt one of their own and raise her as ours. Quite a gift. Thank you to Wei Ping's mother and father for their precious gift, we love her completely. She is beautiful. She has an incredible smile, a gentleness of spirit, a mind of her own and a family that truly loves her.
We celebrated our "together day" with our friends. We had a play date at the Southland leisure centre and then went out to dinner. Can you really make these girls sit together for a picture? We tried. Wei Ling, Emily, Megan, Haley, Kendra and Lily...It is the gang. A few highlights..Wei Ling has finally refused a meal...he he he.... we all knew it was coming. Megan has a scratch from older sister Emily. This was also coming. Haley can not sit still....too busy, Kendra lets her mother put bows in her hair...no one knows how... and Lily has an older sister that we are all a little jealous of. Sarah makes such a perfect babysitter.
The first of many more to come......Happy Forever Family Day!