Sunday, September 30, 2007


So you thought the last entry was a little hostile. Now we have snow. That is 9? 10? months of snow? Oh my....But wait Haley loves the snow...she is so excited about toboganning, skating, skiing ....she can barely contain herself. Who would have thought? My southern girl is a snow angel. Oh well. Here we go Yipee Snow! She crushed her first snowman under the heel of her boot! and thought it was hilarious. She is also quite fond of toilet humour...anything related to her bum.....can you guess.....we are are narrowing in on this toilet training business. She does agree that big girls use the toilet....but looks confused after that. She can do a good job in the house..if she no bottoms no underwear just a bare bottom....The minute I put underpants on is all over....peep in the pants. Oh well. We are getting close.

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