Haley has learned to nod yes and no. Now this can be quite comical. While the answers often seem quite legit...it usually depends on how you phrase the question. Needless to say a vigorous "no" where her whole body shakes, makes her laugh histertically.
She loves the outdoors which is where we will be from now on as the weather cooperates. The good thing for mommy is...makes her naps longer. (That is where she is right now.)
She has also mastered walking backwards. When you give her the backwards "beep beep" like a truck....this is also quite funny.
Our favorite toy right now is the cabbage patch doll...she loves to poke her eyes, ears and her soother is just fascinating. We pushed the cabbage patch doll across the floor the other day, quite innocently, because Andy had the doll and I had Haley...well she almost fell over she was laughing so hard. I think the "real" and the "not real" are cracking her up.
The other day we were noting how tall she has become...we don't really see it unless we think back to what she could and could not reach. I think our parents will be surprised in June.
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