These are for Daddy. Geez I am a single working mom and he wants more pictures....So this is the time I can take pictures...Bathtime..which is a good time!
We can brush our own teeth and spit! Can you guess whose toothbrush this is? It is not Winnie the Pooh....
So you all hear alot about Haley and mommy through this blog....but what about daddy? Now daddy has been away for a about a week and a half....he is working far away. I think daddy can be summed up in a little story...Here is is. So every year Andy goes away for about 3 weeks. Every year we decide that it is pointless for me to go as well...but for completely different reasons. Andy thinks that he will not be able to spend enough time with me and I might be bored and lonely. okay true...I decide not to go...because given these conditions...I will be tempted to go shopping and I can think of nothing more fun than to spend a week shopping!...and well I probably should not go shopping for a week, sit in cafes and read...entirely too decadent..best I stay home...work and pay off my current visa bill....very practical but you have never seen me really get into shopping. I really would love to go along. Okay so this year we had the same debate but with Haley. I said it was too much of a trip with a 1 1/2 year old....true enough. Andy agreed. But this is the fun part...Now about a week and 1/2 into his trip away...he has declared that next year we are both coming no matter what! He misses us terribly. And from the way he declared this...the tone in his voice...Next year we are really going along. Now I am not confused about whom he really misses the most...since he has survived this trip for many years without me...he really misses Haley...There you go. That is how Daddy feels. I think this is a great story and says everything. Smiles from mommy.
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