Monday, March 05, 2007

Birthday Girl Pictures

What is it that they say....about the best laid plans?.....The night before the big party was su
pposed to go like clock work....the usual bedtime....the usual wakeup and Haley would have been good until 2 pm.....So where did it all go wrong? Right from the beginning. We went to bed late, we woke up much to early and alas...the birthday girl was sleeping at party time. So we let her sleep for the first 45 min. Then we had a really groggy birthday girl for the next 45 min. and she perked up right around present opening time near the very end when the guests were all leaving. he he he The party? Complete chaos. Everything a two year old party should be. We had too much food...but now I don't have to cook for the next few days. So maybe it was good. There was little skating....and playing afterwards out in the snow with our friends from Calgary was probably the highlight. I think she still thinks that we have to give back all the presents. I kept mentioning who they were from and she thinks they belong to them....funny how their little minds work. All of the gifts were wonderful....she honestly plays with them all. It really is wonderful to have new toys but our poor little house is going to explode.....I really have to organize...again! A big huge thanks to all of our friends. It was a perfect party. I have included some fun pictures of our friends.

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