Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Turn

Haley has been saying "my turn" at the last few birthday parties. Well tomorrow is Haley's turn. So what crazy scheme have we organized for a two year old party? Mommy has decided to invite everyone we know to a party at the cabin. Yep almost everyone...seems foolish now that the day is almost upon us. I have been making lasagna and cake and freezing them for weeks now. I think we will be ready. We will face painting, balloons, skating (running and falling on ice), tobaganning and well lasagna and cake! Tada. I am sure the entire event will be completely overwhelming and I will never do this again. Some things just have to be done once. They are predicting a +5 for Sunday...our party day, so at the very least it will not be too cold and hopefully the great outdoors will be our playground. Wish us luck! Happy #2 Haley!

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