Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Amazing Times
I only have to add that this has been fairly easy. Haley has been eating and pooping and smiling (to the delight of everyone). She seems to be a great talker, Sue you will appreciate this. She is healthy, except for a cold. Children's tylenol is a saviour. The hydrocortizone cream and vaseline. The cream is good for small skin irritations and the vaseline is excellent. She has no diaper rash. There is so much here, at the Walmart they have Johnson and Johnson's stuff. Haley loves steamed egg and basically anything else we feed her. Other than her parent's own confusion. she is great
November 30th - The Orphanage Visit

Today is a big day as we are off to visit the orphanage. The day becomes an even bigger day when we learn a little bit more about Haley’s brief history on this earth. But first – breakfast. Haley is being quite fussy this morning and we are not sure why. She has a cold (most of the kids do) so I think that we will chalk it up to not feeling very well.
After breakfast we board our bus and are off to the orphanage. The orphanage is in the city of Nanfeng which is about 200 km’s south of Nanchang. The bus trip takes three and one half hours. Haley seems to have resolved her inner issues and is a dream on the trip. She sleeps most of the way and when she wakes up she is a happy little thing. Of course she eats about three times as much as anyone else (including Mom and Dad).
We arrive at the Nanfeng orphanage and are greeted by the director of the orphanage and several care givers. Here is where the story gets interesting. Several of the caregivers immediately pick out Haley and three of the other babies (there are 17 in total) and begin to pay very close attention to them. Up until this point we have always assumed (based on previous correspondence that we received) that Haley had been in foster care from the time she was found until we picked her up. This is in fact NOT true. About three months ago, Haley was returned to the orphanage by her foster mom and has been living in the orphanage ever since. We are still not clear why she was returned but understand that there was a crisis in the home of the foster mom and she needed to be returned.
The care givers are VERY kind and obviously took great care of our little Haley. This was a blessing because the conditions at the orphanage, although not horrible by any stretch, are not ideal. We are taken to see Haley’s crib and are given the official name tag which still hangs on her crib.
We then tour the remainder of the orphanage and see the classrooms (there are older children who live and go to school in the orphanage) and we see some other infants all in primitive exersaucers the youngest one being ten days old.
We finally leave the orphanage and are shown the place where Haley was abandoned (it’s less than a block from the main entrance to the orphanage). What a day. More than we had bargained for but a very interesting visit to say the least.
We are then taken to lunch by the director where Haley has her first “blow out”. After that fun little incident it was back on the bus and back to Nanchang. We arrive at the hotel about 7:00pm and are wiped out so head to our room for some noodles and to play with Haley. Tomorrow is our last day in Nanchang before heading off to Beijing.
Description of Pictures:
#1 – Haley – stretched out on the bus.
#2 – Stairs where Haley was found abandoned on March 3, 2005
#3 – The four “orphanage babies” with the caregivers
#4 – Haley’s Crib
#5 – Entrance to the orphanage
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The next day
Today was even better. Even more food that she likes.
A successful night was had by all. Haley went to sleep about 9:00pm and Barb and Andy soon followed. All slept (Andy and Barb off and on) until just after 5:00am until little Haley woke up from her deep sleep. The tasks for the day would have to wait while Haley was changed and bathed. Then off to breakfast (all the breakfasts are large buffet style western breakfasts). Haley sucked back a bottle of formula (which she would not take the day before – a good sign I think). Today is the day of the official adoption from China – these are the legal papers and stuff in order for Andy and Barb to become the official legal parents of young Haley.
The bus left just after 8:00am and we were back to the same provincial government office as the day before. A short interview would be required by each couple and then several administrative fees were required to be paid. At 10:30am we were off to another government office. There was another short interview with a lawyer and the adoption was legalized. So what does every good family do now that they have made the adoption official – the same as any family in Canada – it was straight to the local Walmart. What a place – the mothership of all Walmarts I suspect. While most prices were relatively similar to Canadian prices there were exceptions. Blue jeans, for example, has a sale price of 2.40 Yuan. That’s about $0.40 CDN. (That’s not a typo).
After the Walmart experience it was back to the hotel to relax. By this time we have again met up with Gary and Joyce and have a quiet lunch of noodles in our hotel room. Haley is now laughing and playing and is much more open than she was even yesterday. She seems to get a kick out of Joyce. A quick nap and then it is off to meet the orphanage director. We gave him some gifts and he answered some general questions.
Next it is dinner time - off to a local chinese restaurant for beef, noodles, pork, chicken, beer, rice and other fine food. Haley was up and down at dinner but in the end took her bottle (I think that this was the fourth or fifth one of the day) and was pretty good. After dinner it was back to the hotel for playtime, a bath, more food and finally some sleep. Bedtime was now about 9:30pm. Tomorrow is a big day - three hours on a bus each way to the orphanage in Nanfeng.
A successful night was had by all. Haley went to sleep about 9:00pm and Barb and Andy soon followed. All slept (Andy and Barb off and on) until just after 5:00am until little Haley woke up from her deep sleep. The tasks for the day would have to wait while Haley was changed and bathed. Then off to breakfast (all the breakfasts are large buffet style western breakfasts). Haley sucked back a bottle of formula (which she would not take the day before – a good sign I think). Today is the day of the official adoption from China – these are the legal papers and stuff in order for Andy and Barb to become the official legal parents of young Haley.
The bus left just after 8:00am and we were back to the same provincial government office as the day before. A short interview would be required by each couple and then several administrative fees were required to be paid. At 10:30am we were off to another government office. There was another short interview with a lawyer and the adoption was legalized. So what does every good family do now that they have made the adoption official – the same as any family in Canada – it was straight to the local Walmart. What a place – the mothership of all Walmarts I suspect. While most prices were relatively similar to Canadian prices there were exceptions. Blue jeans, for example, has a sale price of 2.40 Yuan. That’s about $0.40 CDN. (That’s not a typo).
After the Walmart experience it was back to the hotel to relax. By this time we have again met up with Gary and Joyce and have a quiet lunch of noodles in our hotel room. Haley is now laughing and playing and is much more open than she was even yesterday. She seems to get a kick out of Joyce. A quick nap and then it is off to meet the orphanage director. We gave him some gifts and he answered some general questions.
Next it is dinner time - off to a local chinese restaurant for beef, noodles, pork, chicken, beer, rice and other fine food. Haley was up and down at dinner but in the end took her bottle (I think that this was the fourth or fifth one of the day) and was pretty good. After dinner it was back to the hotel for playtime, a bath, more food and finally some sleep. Bedtime was now about 9:30pm. Tomorrow is a big day - three hours on a bus each way to the orphanage in Nanfeng.
More picts
Monday, November 28, 2005
Okay, today was the day. Again I am surprisingly calm and unworried and I was the whole time. We landed at 2:30, got to the buses, went to the hotel. Cindy ran out and bought us formula and rice cereal and ran back. At 4 pm we went on a 5 min. journey and picked up the girls. Okay. Let’s get this straight…..Andy is a bit on the flutter…Barb is calm as a cucumber and I am serious. Packed up a bag (wasn’t necessary). The center for Adopotion was a zoo. The hotel is very nice but also a zoo. There are families everywhere with little girls from many places around the globe. At the center we were ushered into a small room, complete chaos as all the families jockey for position with cameras and all. (We told Gary that a romantic movie type..Spielberg style would be George Lucas special effects would be necessary). Families are called one by one and handed a little girl. No one can hear anything there is crying and people everywhere. We are second last. The room has emptied a little and voila there she was. Not a peep came out of her. She was looking around having a good time. Put her fingers in my mouth and that was it…No crying. Not her…not me. She stood on my lap all the way back to the hotel and just wanted to see everything.
Okay there was crying….when I wanted to change her! All the other moms went back to their rooms and pulled a Shirley Temple on their kids…they are dressed to the hilt. Not Haley and I. I got a new diaper on her, put her in her sleeper and then put food down the front of both of us and we have been that way since. Food…doesn’t want a bottle, or a sippy cup. But Heinz sweet potato and vegetables, we put away ¾ of a big bottle. Loved it. Cold not hot. I am tired and Andy has put her to sleep on the bed so I think I will go for now.
Okay there was crying….when I wanted to change her! All the other moms went back to their rooms and pulled a Shirley Temple on their kids…they are dressed to the hilt. Not Haley and I. I got a new diaper on her, put her in her sleeper and then put food down the front of both of us and we have been that way since. Food…doesn’t want a bottle, or a sippy cup. But Heinz sweet potato and vegetables, we put away ¾ of a big bottle. Loved it. Cold not hot. I am tired and Andy has put her to sleep on the bed so I think I will go for now.

Our luggage truck
The flight to Nanchang was uneventful. Chinese Airplane food was quite okay. Nanchang is clearly a much poorer area than Biejing. Check out our luggage truck.
I just have to say that I am remarkably calm. I am not anxious or stressed. I just know that this is actually for real and that the three of us will be just fine. I have been waiting for so long and this is really the easy part. I am here now and that is all.
So far we have been on quite the schedule. Yulin,Bob, Fay, Camille, Cindy, Mary, Jack and the others that I have missed…. have made this journey absolutely stress free. I think only people who have really traveled on their own will understand this….We do not have to check flights, worry about correct change, finding a hotel,…..maps…It is all done for us. This leaves us with nothing to do except talk and follow the Panda Canadian Flag. It is absolutely brilliant.
View from Hotel Swiss at Airport
The Flight and First Impressions
The flight was quite a treat according to one gentleman who told us he has been flying every three months for the last 5 years and he had never seen Mt. McKinnley. We did a U turn around the highest peak in North America. We flew north up to Whitehorse across Alaska and then over the straight (very cloudy) and then I couldn’t actually tell you if it was Siberia that I saw next but I think I will stick to that story and then down the coast to Beijing. The flight was uneventful until the end when the plane ran out of water (okay that is my story) but we had no more water and Andy did not get his THIRD meal of the day…hot noodles. He claims he was hungry!
Customs was uneventful, except that Gary and Joyce chose THE slowest line in the entire airport and were THE last two people to clear customs from our flight. Luckily everyone else waited patiently for us. Beijing…..My first impression…very gray…I am getting very tired by this time…it is now around 3 in the morning according to my internal clock. The place is very smoky. It smells like the forest fires. No one knows why yet.
We were greeted by our travel guides (Bob, Yulin and group from Family Outreach International) and were shuttled onto a bus to take us to the airport hotel. We quickly organized our luggage into Nanchang and Beijing luggage and it was taken to its chosen destination by our guides. Then, another meal. The group of us were taken to a small restaurant just around the corner from the hotel. Andy wanted to go across the street (there was a huge sign that said “hamburgers”) but we ended up going to the Chinese place. Lamb, beef, mushrooms, bread, noodles, and several unidentified vegetables were placed in front of us and we essentially “boiled” them in our own individual little fondue pots. Beverages included Coke, Sprite, water and Chinese beer (the favourite by a large margin). And the cost – 35 Yuan per person which is just over $5.00 Canadian. After dinner we walked back to the hotel and everyone went to their rooms. We were bed before 8:30pm local time – but that’s OK – tomorrow is the biggest day of our lives (and a big change for little Haley).
Customs was uneventful, except that Gary and Joyce chose THE slowest line in the entire airport and were THE last two people to clear customs from our flight. Luckily everyone else waited patiently for us. Beijing…..My first impression…very gray…I am getting very tired by this time…it is now around 3 in the morning according to my internal clock. The place is very smoky. It smells like the forest fires. No one knows why yet.
We were greeted by our travel guides (Bob, Yulin and group from Family Outreach International) and were shuttled onto a bus to take us to the airport hotel. We quickly organized our luggage into Nanchang and Beijing luggage and it was taken to its chosen destination by our guides. Then, another meal. The group of us were taken to a small restaurant just around the corner from the hotel. Andy wanted to go across the street (there was a huge sign that said “hamburgers”) but we ended up going to the Chinese place. Lamb, beef, mushrooms, bread, noodles, and several unidentified vegetables were placed in front of us and we essentially “boiled” them in our own individual little fondue pots. Beverages included Coke, Sprite, water and Chinese beer (the favourite by a large margin). And the cost – 35 Yuan per person which is just over $5.00 Canadian. After dinner we walked back to the hotel and everyone went to their rooms. We were bed before 8:30pm local time – but that’s OK – tomorrow is the biggest day of our lives (and a big change for little Haley).
A Special Present Before We Left
Sunday, November 27, 2005
We Leave Today
It is a glorious morning and today we are off to China. I have still not been able to post because of the outrageous $15.00 fee at our hotel for internet access….He he he. Andy says I have to wait until China then we will pay whatever outrageous amount is necessary. This little blog will truly be insight into the life of an accountant….if he doesn’t erase it all on me. Off to breakfast. I’m loving the Fairmont. It is great staying here since the airport is downstairs and it very modern and has every luxury.
Both our flight and Gary and Joyce’s landed a little early so we were right on schedule and we were with in 20 minutes of each other…What planning…needless to say this is Andy’s doing. We had a lovely drink at the hotel and then off to Grandville Island for dinner. We were back and I think everyone was in bed by ohhh 9:30. Despite the festivities we are not breaking any late night records!
The hotel rooms are great Thanks Tom!
The hotel rooms are great Thanks Tom!
We are Leaving

View from Hotel
We got off yesterday with amazing success. Andy was worried since I had a number of stops to make along the way. I was given 5 minutes/stop but if I was quicker I was allowed to bank time towards a longer stop. See what I live with…no wonder I don’t keep track of time differences. He he he…(we were at the airport 1 ½ hours early). The flight was great fun but only because the chant aboard was “Go Riders Go”. Andy informed me that the Riders had not even made it to the finals. What fans.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Auntie Sue Speaks 11/26/05
I can't wait, I am checking this site every half hour...I can't wait. Make time move faster...please!
Friday, November 25, 2005
Travel Day
It's Friday November 25th (8:00am) and today we leave for the airport. It's been so long that it doesn't really seem real. Thank-you to everyone for their best wishes and their comments. We appreciate the support so much - and we'll need much more of that support when we get home since we have no experience at this parenting thing. We read the blog commments every day. Thanks to all - especially our youngest author - Courtney. Take Care everyone - our next report will be from China (or maybe Vancouver if we can find a connection).
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Things went just fine. I even managed to fit in a few extra items...for Haley of course. The fleece suit, the soft balnket..all those items..not on the official list, the ones that were hanging out in close proximity to the suitcases....just in case there was more room...they all made it in! I'm sure I will regret carrying all these items but as discussed earlier...I'll be carring Haley! Ahh just kidding. I'll be towing the suitcases as well.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
It is Tuesday and we leave Friday
It’s Tuesday, we leave on Friday. I will be a mom on Sunday (Monday our time). I haven’t done the math because I don’t see what difference it makes. 12 hours in a plane is just too long to comprehend. China is a day ahead of us….I think…..because we actually return sooner than we leave China…oh well you can see…why I don’t keep track of these details…besides Andy does….I am now at home, packing, cleaning, organizing and trying to stay calm. I think I need a massage…..he he he he.
Tonight has been declared "packing night". We've already had a practice..just to make sure. Basically I think we have to stick to the lists we were given, or else we will be overweight. Every little item on its own....not too heavy...add it all up and yikes. The airlines have declared war on all people who pack too much, so we are being held to tight standards. I really don't think I am going to care too much about how I have fun looking at all the pictures of me in China...not caring! ha ha ha.
Tonight has been declared "packing night". We've already had a practice..just to make sure. Basically I think we have to stick to the lists we were given, or else we will be overweight. Every little item on its own....not too heavy...add it all up and yikes. The airlines have declared war on all people who pack too much, so we are being held to tight standards. I really don't think I am going to care too much about how I have fun looking at all the pictures of me in China...not caring! ha ha ha.
Our last weekend... just us

So we had one last weekend. We thought we might be too stressed out to enjoy. You know too much to do. But when you take away the ability to do anything, you have nothing to do except enjoy. Great meals, hiking (we were afraid to go snowboarding in case one of us broke something, and Andy can now see the flood of snowboarders at the hospital these days yikes) Sooo, just wine and food. A great time was had by all.
Fantastic gifts

This is one of the most beautiful shower gifts I received. First because I was not expecting one from Sharon and Andrew and secondly because Sharon, bless her, went and made Haley the most beautiful quilted blanket. Yes, a beautiful, made with the most fantastic, softest fabric ever, quilt. Not only that but it is red and white. What perfect fabric for our new little Canadian. Thanks Sharon and Andrew. Okay and then if this weren’t enough they went and found a fabulous book for adopted children. Thank-you so much.
I am not going to confess how long it took me to turn this into a publishable jpeg. I just hate being defeated by computers..but I got it...
Monday, November 21, 2005
Thank-you Frank, Linda and Christine
My computer here at home is dying. On his (yes it is a male) deathbed. I just want to say a very special thank-you to Frank. Someone I have never met. He has been my translator. He has translated a beautifully written letter for Haley's foster mom. We really wanted to say thank-you to the foster mom in her own language and thanks to Frank's beautifully written note we are able to do this. This is most sincerely appreciated. Thank-you Frank! Since my computer is dying...he is unwilling to upload messages...but I saved the letter and will try later again.
Linda and Christine thanks for all you have done. You have been great, for being so efficient and so kind. You have all been wonderful. Thanks guys.
Linda and Christine thanks for all you have done. You have been great, for being so efficient and so kind. You have all been wonderful. Thanks guys.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Just up late

Well, I am up late and I am dying to post the new stuff but I haven't had the chance. I am blaming my lack of time on Dougal. He knows why..enough said. We just received our Notice of Coming. This is an offical invitation from the Chinese government to come get Wei Ping! It looks very cool. So basically I am ready to go!
Monday, November 14, 2005
ELK, not deer, caribou, or moose

Well, everyone wants to see them on a good visit. Me, I find them completely annoying..... annoying, annoying Elk. They swarm my plants in the summer, ripping them out and literally tossing them aside if they don't approve of the flavour. This is across the street. Ha Ha.
(Not too mention the poop they leave behind..yuch)
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Less Than Two Weeks
So what does a future mom-to-be do with herself with less than two weeks to go. First she wonders... how big those scoops are in those tins of formula? How much of this stuff to take? Does it taste any good? Hmph. Secondly, she stares at everything she has assembled based on very knowledgable lists and wonders...can my husband carry all this? Because I am going to be carrying my brand new baby! he he he. Oh there is lots to think about, lots to do, how ever will it all get done? How quickly everything went from...just oh my gosh...I have to do that too before we leave?!? Most of this "stuff" does fit into the category..."will not want to do when I get back"....such as, you that stupid space between the stove and the counter...because my mom is coming to visit! Yikes.
Money In China
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
And there was Even More

Do our friends in Stratford know that we have two chairs out front? Do they know that Andy's wife ordered the most decadent little lounge chair for inside the house..for little Haley? I don't think they do. This was such the perfect present. Now we have a little chair for inside and outside! What fun! Thank-you so much and what a wonderful and unexpected surprise. Pooh, Heather, Rob, Heather, Brent, Ally, Dip, Jane, Dean, Pat & of course Rona - we miss you guys.
Haley's Party

We have the most fantastic friends. They are absolutely the best. Jen and Steve a special thank-you to you both for hosting our first baby shower. We were completely overwhelmed by everyone's generosity. I was so excited when we got home that I could not sleep. This is so true. Louise and Val, what a perfect present for Andy the accountant. I have hidden the tea set away for later. Lorraine, it was perfect...the little decadent blanket that I wanted but didn't think I should. Dougal, how you knew about the puppets will remain a mystery....thank-you. Sheri, the little red jacket will be a feature on this web site for sure. Betty-Lynne and two, it was absolutely everything...thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. Jen and if the party wasn't enough...I will find a way to thank-you. Sharon and Malcolm, you are so dear to me and I have no idea if or how I will ever be able to thank-you enough for everything...thank-you. Sue and Tom..thank-you..Sue you are my best friend and you will be thanked by tiny feet running overhead...early in the morning...Maybe we will send her down to you?..then we can sleep....yes? Thank-you everyone. We cherish you all.
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