Sunday, November 13, 2005

Less Than Two Weeks

So what does a future mom-to-be do with herself with less than two weeks to go. First she wonders... how big those scoops are in those tins of formula? How much of this stuff to take? Does it taste any good? Hmph. Secondly, she stares at everything she has assembled based on very knowledgable lists and wonders...can my husband carry all this? Because I am going to be carrying my brand new baby! he he he. Oh there is lots to think about, lots to do, how ever will it all get done? How quickly everything went from...just oh my gosh...I have to do that too before we leave?!? Most of this "stuff" does fit into the category..."will not want to do when I get back"....such as, you that stupid space between the stove and the counter...because my mom is coming to visit! Yikes.

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